//z 2013-03-27 00:02:51.T2817905664.K[T2,L47,R1,V27]
IS2120@CSDN.BG57IV3 智能指针是一个包装了裸指针的类,用于管理其所指向对象的生命期。 A smart pointer is a class that wraps a "bare" C++ pointer, to manage the lifetime of the object being pointed to. 使用裸指针,当对象不再使用时,程序员需要明确地将之销毁掉。 With "bare" C++ pointers, the programmer has to explicitly destroy the object when it is no longer useful. // Need to create the object to achieve some goal MyObject* ptr = new MyObject(); ptr->DoSomething();// Use the object in some way. delete ptr; // Destroy the object. Done with it. // Wait, what if DoSomething() raises an exception.... 相比之下,智能指针定义了一套何时销毁对象的策略。 通过使用智能指针,你仍旧不得不创建一个对象,但是你不在担心如何销毁它。 A smart pointer by comparison defines a policy as to when the object is destroyed. You still have to create the object, but you no longer have to worry about destroying it. SomeSmartPtr<MyObject> ptr(new MyObject()); ptr->DoSomething(); // Use the object in some way. // Destruction of the object happens, depending // on the policy the smart pointer class uses. // Destruction would happen even if DoSomething() // raises an exception 在用的最简单的一项策略是伴随着所包装对象的生命周期。 The simplest policy in use involves the scope of the smart pointer wrapper object, such as implemented by boost::scoped_ptr or std::tr1::scoped_ptr. void f() { { boost::scoped_ptr<MyObject> ptr(new MyObject()); ptr->DoSomethingUseful(); } // boost::scopted_ptr goes out of scope -- // the MyObject is automatically destroyed. // ptr->Oops(); // Compile error: "ptr" not defined // since it is no longer in scope. } Note that scoped_ptr instances cannot be copied. This prevents the pointer from being deleted multiple times (incorrectly). You can however pass references to it around to other functions you call. Scoped pointers are useful when you want to tie the lifetime of the object to a particular block of code, or if you embedded it as member data inside another object, the lifetime of that other object. The object exists until the containing block of code is exitted, or until the containing object is itself destroyed. A more complex smart pointer policy involves reference counting the pointer. This does allow the pointer to be copied. When the last "reference" to the object is destroyed, the object is deleted. This policy is implemented by boost::shared_ptr and std::tr1:shared_ptr. void f() { typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<MyObject> MyObjectPtr; // Nice short alias. MyObjectPtr p1; // Empty { MyObjectPtr p2(new MyObject()); // There is now one "reference" to the created object p1=p2; // Copy the pointer. // There is are now two references to the object. } // p2 is destroyed, leaving one reference to the object. } // p1 is destroyed, leaving a reference count of zero. // The object is deleted. Reference counted pointers are very useful when the lifetime of your object is much more complicated, and is not tied directly to a particular section of code or to another object. There is one drawback to reference counted pointers — the possibility of creating a dangling reference./// // Create the smart pointer on the heap MyObjectPtr* pp = new MyObjectPtr(new MyObject()) // Hmm, we forgot to destroy the smart pointer, // because of that, the object is never destroyed! Another possibility is creating circular references. struct Owner { boost::shared_ptr<Owner> other; }; boost::shared_ptr<Owner> p1 (new Owner()); boost::shared_ptr<Owner> p2 (new Owner()); p1->other = p2; // p1 references p2 p2->other = p1; // p2 references p1 // Oops, the reference count of of p1 and p2 never goes to zero! // The objects are never destroyed! To work around this problem, both boost and std::tr1 define weak_ptr to define a weak ( uncounted) reference to a shared_ptr. Also note that the existing standard C++ library does define a special kind of smart pointer std::auto_ptr. It is very much like a scoped pointer, except that it also has the "special" dangerous ability to be copied — which also unexpectedly transfers ownership! std::auto_ptr<MyObject> p1 (new Owner()); std::auto_ptr<MyObject> p2 = p1; // Copy and transfer ownership. // p1 gets set to empty! p2->DoSomething(); // Works. p1->DoSomething(); // Oh oh. Hopefully raises some NULL pointer exception.IS2120@CSDN.BG57IV3